In Germany, we are repeatedly confronted with the challenges of climate change and CO2 offsetting. The demand for possibilities of CO2 compensation gave us the idea of creating new forest areas in Uganda, as our Ugandan contacts confirmed that reforestation is a high priority here. After consultation with experts, monocultures are not recommended, in contrast to mixed forests, which give small farmers the opportunity to grow vegetables or fruit. Decentralised tree nurseries are just as important as the trained professionals to establish and maintain these forest areas.
A big problem Desertification
Our idea is that German entrepreneurs take over the costs for the reforestation and receive a corresponding certificate for the compensation of the CO2 saved in each case. This official certificate must be issued by an official institution, e.g. the Uganda Carbon Buerau, the NFA or the University of Makerere.
Uganda needs New Forests
NSN intends to work with the Uganda National Forestry Authority (NFA), local specialised and competent companies such as Blessed Tree Planter and Agro Distributor, Makerere University, Bukalasa Agriculture College (BAC) and others to accomplish the various tasks. These include the acquisition of afforestation areas in Uganda in coordination with the relevant authorities, the establishment and commissioning of training opportunities and the establishment and operation of decentralised tree nurseries for the rearing of high-quality seedlings. Moreover they also include the preparation of individual afforestation concepts depending on regional requirements and the planting of the afforestation areas. Furthermore, the experts accompany the certification process for the German investors, as well as the maintenance of the forests and the research of innovative afforestation techniques.